There are several types of Locations. When a Location is created, the type can be chosen once, no changes can be made later. (However, empty Locations can be deleted.)
Locations of type "VehicleVehicles are the means of transport used by Couriers to make deliveries (bicycle, car, truck, etc.).":
The vehicleVehicles are the means of transport used by Couriers to make deliveries (bicycle, car, truck, etc.). identifier can be the license plate number, but can also be a uniquely assigned identifier.
A new vehicleVehicles are the means of transport used by Couriers to make deliveries (bicycle, car, truck, etc.). can be added using the usual "+Add" button. Required data: license plate number, weight (the system monitors how much weight is on the VehicleVehicles are the means of transport used by Couriers to make deliveries (bicycle, car, truck, etc.). and warns if it exceeds it to add another parcel), selection of a colour, which will be relevant for the map parcel assignment. Setting the base address is important for route optimization (it will be the starting and ending address).
The file to be imported should consist of the following fields. The first row of the file is a header, so the order of the columns is arbitrary. Field separator: ; (semicolon). All fields are required.
# | Field (header) | Retainable value | Explanation |
1. | licence_plate | Max. 25 characters number, letter and punctuation. | VehicleVehicles are the means of transport used by Couriers to make deliveries (bicycle, car, truck, etc.). identification number (most often registration number). Unique element, so no two identifiers in the database can be the same. |
2. | weight | Max. Max. 10 character number, 2 of which can be decimal. | The raks weight of the vehicleVehicles are the means of transport used by Couriers to make deliveries (bicycle, car, truck, etc.).. For example: 3000.5 |
3. | volume | Max. Max. 10 characters, 2 of which can be decimal. | The volume of the vehicleVehicles are the means of transport used by Couriers to make deliveries (bicycle, car, truck, etc.).. E.g.: 50.5 |
"Storage" type Locations:
A storage can be a physical location in the warehouse (shelf, pallet, etc...) or a shipmentSend to An identifier that groups together packages sent from a Sender to a Recipient by a Customer at the same time. In practice, this is understood to mean the entire shipment, even if it consists of several Packing Units. status. We can place in a bin a consignment that we have sorted according to some criteria and that we want to load as one consignment on a vehicleVehicles are the means of transport used by Couriers to make deliveries (bicycle, car, truck, etc.).. The container also has an alias name which is visible to the customers.
Batch upload of containers via file import
The file to be imported must consist of the following fields. The first line of the file is a header, so the order of the columns is arbitrary. Field separator: ; (semicolon).
# | Field (header) name | Recordable value | Explanation |
1. | name | Max. 25 characters number, letter and punctuation. | Identifier of the location. Unique occurrence element. |
2. | alias | Max. 25 characters number, letters and punctuation. | The public name of the location (this is what Clients see). |