Deliveo is able to forward ShipmentSend to An identifier that groups together packages sent from a Sender to a Recipient by a Customer at the same time. In practice, this is understood to mean the entire shipmentSend to An identifier that groups together packages sent from a Sender to a Recipient by a Customer at the same time. In practice, this is understood to mean the entire shipment, even if it consists of several Packing Units., even if it consists of several Packing Units.s to another Partner and display the information generated there to Customers as if the ShipmentSend to An identifier that groups together packages sent from a Sender to a Recipient by a Customer at the same time. In practice, this is understood to mean the entire shipmentSend to An identifier that groups together packages sent from a Sender to a Recipient by a Customer at the same time. In practice, this is understood to mean the entire shipment, even if it consists of several Packing Units., even if it consists of several Packing Units. was handled by the CourierThe person who delivers and delivers parcels to the recipient. (Deliveo is in effect acting as a proxy in this case).(The quality and detail of the information exchange depends on the real-time data provided by the Partner's CourierThe person who delivers and delivers parcels to the recipient. IT system.)
Currently, the following CourierThe person who delivers and delivers parcels to the recipient. Services are connected online:
MPL (Magyar Posta Logisztika)
Fáma Futár
- Fürge futár
- Packeta
In Deliveo, it is also possible to configure to only forward shipmentSend to An identifier that groups together packages sent from a Sender to a Recipient by a Customer at the same time. In practice, this is understood to mean the entire shipment, even if it consists of several Packing Units.s with certain parameters to the Partner CourierThe person who delivers and delivers parcels to the recipient., e.g. shipmentSend to An identifier that groups together packages sent from a Sender to a Recipient by a Customer at the same time. In practice, this is understood to mean the entire shipment, even if it consists of several Packing Units.s above a certain weight, only rural shipmentSend to An identifier that groups together packages sent from a Sender to a Recipient by a Customer at the same time. In practice, this is understood to mean the entire shipment, even if it consists of several Packing Units.s, or only foreign shipmentSend to An identifier that groups together packages sent from a Sender to a Recipient by a Customer at the same time. In practice, this is understood to mean the entire shipment, even if it consists of several Packing Units.s. In the menu, you can display the parcels that you want to forward to the Partner and you can also add them as a group. In the top right corner you can download a collection list, which is generated by the Partner CourierThe person who delivers and delivers parcels to the recipient. system based on the DeliveoIDs sent, Deliveo just displays it.