In the course of their daily work, CourierThe person who delivers and delivers parcels to the recipient.s may accumulate cash (cash on delivery, service charges) and may also have documents provided by the Customer in circulation. These can be managed precisely in the system here.
If you select the CourierThe person who delivers and delivers parcels to the recipient. and the interval (in most cases this is the reference day), the resulting list shows how much cash the selected CourierThe person who delivers and delivers parcels to the recipient. has to settle and which documents he has to hand in to the DispatcherDispatcher A member of the Courier Service. Liaises with customers and dispatches couriers. He/she uses the Deliveo dispatcherDispatcher A member of the Courier Service. Liaises with customers and dispatches couriers. He/she uses the Deliveo dispatcher (admin) interface. (admin) interface.. This operation should be done at the end of the working day, when the CourierThe person who delivers and delivers parcels to the recipient. has finished with the last address. Ticking the checkbox at the beginning of the list indicates that the CourierThe person who delivers and delivers parcels to the recipient. has delivered the money to the cashier and cleared the documents. The documents can be tracked by the reference number entered in the CourierThe person who delivers and delivers parcels to the recipient. Order. In the list, there is a separate column for the collected surcharges and a separate column for the service charges.